"He's gonna make me sleep with it every night!"
Selena Second Album 'Old School Britney'
Selena Gomez said that her second album is going to be more like Lady Gaga and 'old school Britney'. She also wants to play piano for one of the ballads. Via BeatifulBallad & AnythingDisney.
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Selena Gomez EL HORMIGUERO 4/13
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Selena performing @ HMV on Oxford Street London today. WENN. Facebook: Hey Everyone, Sorry the live feed did not work out so well, I was trying to use the iphone but the service in the store wasn't very good.
Selena Gomez, 'I Still iChat With Demi'
Selena featured in BLISS Magazine [Credit: Ray22UK @ Selena-Fan]. On Taylor Swift: 'She's like a sister to me because she' s older and a big inspiration in my life. Our friendship is all about honesty and we're always there for each other. We love to go out and get yogurt, or hang out at home and do nothing but natter.'
Do you still get to see Demi? 'Unfortunately our schedules are so busy, we don't ge tto hang out as much as we did. But iChat helps!' Duet with Demi? 'That would be awesome! She's got that rocker style and I'm a big more girlie, so we'd compliment each other.'
Do you think you have grown since the Miley-mocking vid days? 'Yes, absolutely. During your teen years you're constantly changing, every month I feel like a different person, to be honest. I'm growing and trying to figure out who I am.'
On writing her song 'I Won't Apologize': 'When I wrote that song I was actually going through the exact thing. The song tlaks abotu changing everything about yourself for someone else, and that's what I did. I almost lost my friends and my family because of it. I was completely different and spent all my time with this person. It wasn't really a good thing. It's important to remember who you are and keep your individuality. That's the lesson I learned eventually.'
Selena will be performing at HMV Oxford Street on Apr 12 at 5 PM. Appearance schedule: 4/10 – 5:19 Show interview (BBC2), 4/10 – Koko Pop interview (Channel 4), 4/12 – Chartshow interview, 4/14 – Spotlight interview (Channel 4), 4/17 – Swap Show interview (BBC2) 4/20 – Blue Peter performance and interview (BBC1). Sel uploaded Fan Pix HERE.
Selena, 'I'm As Complicated As It Can Get'
Selena Gomez joined Radio Disney for a Take Over with Ernie D before she headed to Europe last month. Highlights from interview that aired today: When a Radio Disney caller noted that Selena’s comments about friendship were 'deep,' Selena revealed to Ernie D:
'I’m not simple. I think I’m as complicated as it can get, to be honest. I over-analyze things. I constantly am thinking about the next thing and what the future is rather than just enjoying it, which is my biggest lesson. I need to find someone that can just calm me down from that, because I’m constantly everywhere.'
On Wizards: 'On the show, I would like to guest star as myself. I would like to be on my show as Selena Gomez just for fun. David [Henrie] and I were talking about this and we actually thought it would be funny if Justin was a huge Selena Gomez fan.. We want that to happen just because it would be great to play around with.'
On her Europe trip: 'I’m excited to visit Paris because I hear it’s romantic, so I’ll probably feel very alone. But, it will be fun! It will be fun to go be there and experience it, so I’m going to be excited for that. Interview under!
APRIL 8TH - Arriving at Capital FM in Leicester Square, London

Selena Gomez looking ravishing at the launch of Disney Channel's 'Wizards of Waverly Place' fashion range with George at ASDA on Wednesday. Full Live @ Studio Five interiew under.

Selena Naturally LIVE From Studio Five
Selena Gomez and family at the Bluebird Restaurant in Chelsea after her sell out gig in London. From Ally: During 'I Don't Miss You At All', Selena said: 'Raise your hand if you've been hurt by somebody' and she put her hand up and said 'I have but it;s always with same person.'

Sel performing @ O2 Shepherds Bush Empire.